Making climate change relevant to business

Management consultancy Obsidian Consulting and its client the British Antarctic Survey were to co-host a seminar on climate change.

Holdsworth Associates was asked to help give the event a strong identity and relevance to an audience of regional mid-market companies.


To attract delegates we needed to create a story ahead of the workshop.  Holdsworth Associates proposed that Obsidian used its business consultancy skills to interview a number of CEOs about their sustainability strategy and the risks they had identified within their businesses.

This activity provided an opportunity to understand how to position the workshop for maximum benefit and identified the hot-topics to address.  The findings from the survey created material for a presentation, a report and a media story.  In addition many of the senior people interviewed attended the event to see the findings of the research and share ideas with peers.

For the workshop we developed the theme of ‘Adapt and Prosper’.

This activity ensured that the event addressed the needs of the delegates and stimulated a lively debate about the business response to the opportunities and challenges presented by climate change.

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